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10 New Year's Resolutions for Novelists (par les Marshall)
  1. I will decide on one genre of novel
  2. I will study novels in this target genre to get a good idea of the kinds of stories they tell. 
  3. I will work hard to come up with a story idea that fits my target genre yet is fresh and new, something I’ve never seen done before in novels, TV or movies.
  4. Before I begin to write, I will create a detailed outline of my novel, so that when I do begin writing, I won’t hit any rough spots.
  5. I won’t share my story idea with others, because 
    • when you talk out an idea it can lose some of its sparkle, and
    • someone will undoubtedly find fault with it, and I’m not interested in what other people think. 
  6. I will work on my novel every day, whether it’s writing my outline, doing some research, or actually writing text. 
  7. I will adhere to a timetable: for example, a detailed story outline by April 1, a first-draft manuscript by Thanksgiving, a polished manuscript by the end of the year.
  8. I will keep a running list of editors and agents who seem right for my project. 
  9. I will not start another writing project until this one is finished.
  10. By this time next year I will be ready to start submitting my finished novel ... and I will already have begun working on another one.
Ouain... Je devrais faire ça... Je sais que c'est LA façon de travailler pour vraiment faire de quoi de bien quand on écrit quelque chose. Je suis habituée de le faire pour des textes autres que de la fiction. Le plan est souvent dans ma tête mais il devrait toujours être écrit. Dans mon cas, cela m'aide à mieux réfléchir...
